
YouTube 論馬可行乎?

昨 (29日) 信報有段不起眼轉載新聞,指 YouTube 有意與用戶分享收入,對我等靠販賣知識產權維生者,不啻是令人鼓舞消息。
其實早於電盈 ITV 年代,已經足夠發展出類似商業模式,只可惜到最後拉閘結業,Pay TV 始終停留於販賣夜冷電影階段,其實斯時連橫掃首輪電影之金獅租帶也無法營生,試問做這門子生意又豈能不敗?
說回老本行,目前僅得馬會 (ATV播放) 及有線製作賽馬節目,主播位置不出十席八席,近年因行業開始走下坡,個別新人為求得到亮相機會,幾乎毫無議價本錢,結果出「騷」價錢愈收愈低,據某不甘忍受可恥待遇而告別螢光幕同業告知,其離職前酬勞在扣除油錢、隧道費、泊車費後,實質每月僅餘下三四千元,若非有報章稿費收入,便與領取綜援無異。
假使能夠從 YouTube 分帳,日後任何自命可找到觀眾行家,以至一直苦無門路投身我行的有識之士,便可自行製作賽馬節目,毌須再受到渠道不足所限。唯一要解決之問題,是馬會不會輕易放出晨操及賽事過程版權,能否單憑一張三寸不爛之舌招徠收視,當屬嚴竣考驗。
至於嘉豪嘛,假使我自行製作節目放上 YouTube,便寧選財經分析一博矣!

1 則留言:

Mr. P 說...

I think YouTube is a tool that can help people broadcast their ideas out to the public. However:

-- Communication is mostly one-way!
-- There are so many ideas, contents out there, one man's idea is not really valuable, no matter how good it is.
To make value, a person must be able to gather a *group*, a *community* of users with similar interest. And find ways to communicate ideas in group-wise sharing. This way, ideas have quality and *credibility*.

So, the most important is to find people that will listen to your ideas, and provide them with tools so they can discuss and add to the ideas. Can YouTube do it? Not yet, but possible.

Blogs and blogrings are also a good start.